May 26, 2011

No Internet Sucks

So I went from have a decent post every two days to having no new posts in a while. I had moved places and haven't had wi-fi set up.... UNTIL NOW. The "Probably Watching Porn" wi-fi network is up and running. That entire time, though, I was so out of the loop with the world. I'm a huge current events person so I read the headlines a few times a day. It's like the world stopped moving around me and I just focused on sitting on my new badass porch. (which is what it felt like, honestly) But we had no idea what was going on, and we were totally disconnected.

No email. No news. (we don't have cable; it's too nice outside to be sitting inside) No Facebook. The world has relied entirely on internet today. The only interactions people had here were my roommates with their fancy iPhones and their super high-tech 3G connections. Think about it; the internet has become our lives in a lot of ways.

Fuck yeah ClipArt!

The internet connects us all together. Yeah, no shit. People have forgotten what life was before we could see anyone and get anything without leaving our seats, and because of it, the world relies on the internet more than ever. I see this reliability increasing in the future too; the internet is never going to become any less important than it is today. Without it, civilizations today crumble due to the burden of having to actually go out in your car to pay bills and not being able to Tweet about everyfuckingthing that you've done today.

What about the kids? WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS!? They're not going to have the childhood we did. I rode bikes all summer long and got sweet at basketball as a kid. Our kids are going to spend their summers inside sitting on their computers now. At least now, I'm typing this on my porch. Gotta give me some credit. The accessibility of everything today is within a few clicks now; you can do just about everything with a computer nowadays. Why go outside and play when you can kick ass at Call Of Duty and still be entertained? You could Prestige quite a few times if you played all day, all summer.

No, I'm not saying that computers are bad and that the internet is the fall of society as we know it. But go play outside or something. Don't rely on a computer to do everything.


  1. I can't go a day without internet

  2. Same with what chauklet said...

    I would just hog up the internet at the public library lol.

  3. The internet is an energy field. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.

  4. im a very active person, i go outside everyday, to the gym or to shoot some hoops, or skateboard of course

  5. the internet is a curse - I never needed it as a child, and now it's torturous if I'm gone for more than a few days!

  6. i cant live without the internet!

  7. I can't survive without internet, but a day off is good too you know...

  8. your blog is really similar to mine, at least in principle

    the thing with me is, I try to get outside and do things, but i cant go play basketball by myself because all my friends dont do anything..

    ive really been saddened at the advancements of society, really

  9. "Fuck Yeah Clipart" hahahahaha.

  10. I know your pain. I was just at my dads. He finally got wi-fi........and he didn't know his own password :(

  11. no internet is like sex without a penis

  12. Yeah, it really comes down to the choices people make. I spend a lot of time online, but I also make plenty of time for everything else.

  13. no internet = no gaming.
    cant live without it.

  14. I love the internet, everyone have vices and ways to escape and entertain. Without a doubt my computer is mine.

  15. Yeah my net connection is always on.

  16. I agree with you. When I grew up we had nothing to do but rely on toys and our creativity to entertain ourselves. I bought my little brother his first bike and he never uses it because he is always on the computer or playing video games. One day his Wii was not working and they did not have cable at the moment so he went crazy with boredom. It did not occur to him to play with his toys or go outside and do something. I'm not saying computers and TV are evil, it is just that kids are not having normal/traditional child hoods anymore.

  17. Don't usually have too much trouble with my connection. If it goes down it is usually back up within the hour.

  18. I feel your pain about losing your connection. Whenever my wireless goes down it's like ARMAGEDDON.

  19. WE take it for granted. It's a great invention...amazing still.
