April 26, 2011

Why I'm Over Chicago Traffic

I'm currently living in Chicago for an internship, and I must say; I don't think I've ever been so upset by the terrible drivers and poor roads there are here. I thought Ohio drivers we're the bottom of the barrel; I was wrong.

-Nobody in the city of Chicago knows what a turn signal is. Nobody.

-There's more potholes in the roads than there are people. Exaggerated much? I think not. Drive through downtown and see what I mean.

-Nobody knows how to operate a 4-way stop. It's like a madhouse anytime I approach one of these.

-The speed limit is only 45 or 55 MPH on the highways, and it sucks.

-I also hate tolls, mostly because I probably look like the biggest idiot trying to scrounge up $.15.

-There's more cops out on the roads late at night than I have ever seen. I can't drive home without seeing five of them trying to get your for speeding.

-On top of that, they never have their lights in. In Ohio, it must be a law or something for cops to always keep their headlights on when pulled off to the side because they're always on. I feel like this is a hazard to the cops. What if someone has a car emergency and needs to pull to the side of the road? O WAIT, there's a cop car there lol. I think this is just an accident/lawsuit waiting to happen.

-The teens here simply don't know how to drive. I almost got into an accident because some teenage idiot tried to merge into my lane but failed miserably. I almost got read-ended yesterday on the highway from some girl chatting to her other girlfriend about how hot Tony is and how much of a dick Carl is on the phone. She wasn't paying attention whatsoever, and it got to the point where I was going in my head the different ways I could react not if, but when I was going to get rear-ended by this idiot.

After living in Chicago, never again will I complain about the idiots in Ohio who freak out over two snowflakes on the road. I'd take the mass transit but 1) there isn't a stop anywhere near me, and 2) there's been two train accidents within the last week; one train derailed and another hit a guy. I can't have that kind of blood on my hands!

Sometimes it's hard being the best driver on the road....

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  1. Sounds like driving in a foreign country. I went to the Dominican Republic and refused to drive because its like this but much worse. Cars just drive in around you and cut you off and there are not street lights on all the roads so people just drive all over.

  2. Sounds terrible... I hate driving in congested areas so luckily (for now) I'm stuck in the country on back roads.

  3. Sounds pretty bad, a lot of people say texas drivers are bad, but i must be used to them cause they don't phase me.

  4. i think there are bad drivers everywhere for some reason, they need to make driving tests harder or something.

  5. California, Los Angeles specifically, has a vast amount of HORRIBLE drivers. So I feel your pain.

  6. Driving in London is just as bad. No one seems to know how to drive because they're all tourists from countries where they drive on the right. Oh and the taxi drivers...

  7. sounds bad, maybe try public transportation

  8. You gotta see at europe, those crazy bastards go like 150mph.

  9. Try biking it to where you need to go, most of the time it's easier to dodge idiots on a bike than in a car.

  10. I have friends that moved to the Chicago area last summer and they have said the same thing! They're originally from NYC so i didn't think they would be surprised by bad drivers but apparently the ones in Chicago are some of the worst!

  11. All big cities are like this. New York is even worse.

  12. ugh i hate potholes messing with my alignment and balance of my wheels

  13. Just take the bus lol

  14. In Aus, you can normally go at 100km/h which i think is about 60mph so 45 sounds kinda slow!

  15. I'm fucking with you on all of this

  16. Sounds pretty rubbish.

  17. sound like it might be even worse than baton rouge. would still love to visit though.

  18. Chicago is one of the best cities on this planet, you will like it!

  19. Yep, I definitely agree. I always notice different driving habits ppl develop in different cities... some just suck...

  20. Sounds alot like where I am. I have very bad road rage because of it.

  21. I think the world in general just sucks at driving.

  22. "-Nobody in the city of Chicago knows what a turn signal is. Nobody."

    this will ALWAYS be my biggest driving pet peave

  23. Damn I hate bad drivers. Sounds like a miserable place to drive.

  24. come to florida, i'll challenge you for that 'best driver' title.

  25. It seems like most big cities have terrible drivers.

  26. nobody, ANYWHERE knows what a turn signal is anymore -__-

  27. Some people are horrible drivers, you just needa be careful!

  28. Teenagers shoudn't be driving!

  29. Damn, that sucks!

  30. Florida drivers are total shit. I've got a friend who visits chicago all the time, says it madness. Followed

  31. Haha I used to live in chicago for most of my life. I would rather deal with that traffic than the horrible traffic here in the south.


  32. I hate traffic and damn do I hate old people driving.

  33. Damn man, keep safe on those roads

  34. Every driver everywhere is the worst driver. Funny how that happens.

  35. Everyone but you is horrible at driving. Me too!

  36. ^for real, dallas is no better. traffic blows!

  37. So true. being the best driver and knowing the laws and following them makes people mad. haha.
